Genre: Drama - Page 343
When Will 'Mannix' Season 3 on CBS?
'Mannix' debuted on September 16, 1967, on CBS. Mannix is a 60-minute scripted drama, action, crime TV series, which is broadcast in its 2nd season. Mannix is airing at on CBS ...Network: CBS
Genres: Drama, Action, Crime
Premiere: September 16, 1967
When Will 'Days of Our Lives' Season 2025 on Peacock?
'Days of Our Lives' debuted on November 8, 1965, on Peacock. Days of Our Lives is a 60-minute scripted drama, family, romance TV series, which is broadcast in its 2024th season. Days of Our Lives is airing at on Peacock ...Network: Peacock
Genres: Drama, Family, Romance
Premiere: November 8, 1965
When Will 'Lost in Space' Season 2 on CBS?
'Lost in Space' debuted on September 15, 1965, on CBS. Lost in Space is a 60-minute scripted drama, adventure, science-fiction TV series, which is broadcast in its 1st season. Lost in Space is airing at 19:30 on CBS ...Network: CBS
Genres: Drama, Adventure, Science-Fiction
Premiere: September 15, 1965
When Will 'Sherlock Holmes' Season 2 on BBC One?
'Sherlock Holmes' debuted on February 20, 1965, on BBC One. Sherlock Holmes is a 50-minute scripted drama, crime, mystery TV series, which is broadcast in its 1st season. Sherlock Holmes is airing at on BBC One ...Network: BBC One
Genres: Drama, Crime, Mystery
Premiere: February 20, 1965
When Will 'The Man from U.N.C.L.E.' Season 6 on NBC?
'The Man from U.N.C.L.E.' debuted on September 22, 1964, on NBC. The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is a 60-minute scripted drama, action, adventure TV series, which is broadcast in its 5th season. The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is airing at on NBC ...Network: NBC
Genres: Drama, Action, Adventure
Premiere: September 22, 1964
When Will 'Coronation Street' Season 66 on ITV?
'Coronation Street' debuted on December 9, 1960, on ITV. Coronation Street is a 30-minute scripted drama TV series, which is broadcast in its 65th season. Coronation Street is airing at 19:30 on ITV ...Network: ITV
Genres: Drama
Premiere: December 9, 1960
When Will 'Cannonball' Season 2 on CBC?
'Cannonball' debuted on October 6, 1958, on CBC. Cannonball is a 30-minute scripted drama, adventure TV series, which is broadcast in its 1st season. Cannonball is airing at on CBC ...Network: CBC
Genres: Drama, Adventure
Premiere: October 6, 1958
When Will 'Wagon Train' Season 3 on ABC?
'Wagon Train' debuted on September 18, 1957, on ABC. Wagon Train is a 60-minute scripted drama, western TV series, which is broadcast in its 2nd season. Wagon Train is airing at 19:30 on ABC ...Network: ABC
Genres: Drama, Western
Premiere: September 18, 1957
When Will 'Highway Patrol' Season 5 on Syndication?
'Highway Patrol' debuted on October 5, 1955, on Syndication. Highway Patrol is a 30-minute scripted drama, crime TV series, which is broadcast in its 4th season. Highway Patrol is airing at 22:30 on Syndication ...Network: Syndication
Genres: Drama, Crime
Premiere: October 5, 1955
When Will 'Kaos' Season 2 on Netflix?
'Kaos' debuted on January 1, 1970, on Netflix. Kaos is a -minute scripted drama, comedy, fantasy TV series, which is broadcast in its 1st season. Kaos is airing at on Netflix ...Network: Netflix
Genres: Drama, Comedy, Fantasy
Premiere: January 1, 1970